Page 69 - The Religion Of The Ignorant
P. 69

Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar

         neous view of life cares little for moral values or other people, and
         thinks that nobody has any responsibilities toward anybody else.
             There are also circles that consider only the financial circum-
         stances of the person before them. In the Religion of the Ignorant,
         the price of the clothes a person wears must first be analyzed to es-
         tablish whether he is worth talking to, taking ideas from and estab-
         lishing friendships with. The make of a person's jacket, shoes, bag,
         perfume, wristwatch, shirt and even socks are all of the greatest im-
         portance. Next, it's important to establish whether they have a car, if
         it's parked anywhere visible, and if so, the particular model.
             These are preconditions for taking the first step. In the second
         step, information needs to be obtained about the individual's fam-
         ily, such as their father's profession, where they studied, their
         mother's acquaintances, the hairdresser they frequent, where they
         vacation, which district they live in—all are necessary in deciding
         whether to establish a permanent friendship. If the person before
         them passes all these tests, then that individual's moral values, char-
         acter, beliefs or world view, no matter what they may be, are of no
         importance: He or she enters the category of potential friend.
             Some people possess all these qualities, but are totally without
         any form of culture. Not well-rounded, coarse, they have the most
         repellent moral values. They mock those around them and protect
         their own interests above all else. They have no idea how to mend
         relations with people, apologize, or even admit their mistakes. In
         situations that conflict with their own interests, they find it easy to
         lie and take no interest in others' problems. They put up with no dif-
         ficulties for the sake of others' comfort, health or happiness, and are
         ignorant of self-sacrifice. Yet you see a huge number of admirers
         around such people. In fact the only reason for the interest shown in
         them, even though everyone sees their character and moral defects,

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