Page 72 - The Religion Of The Ignorant
P. 72
from the avarice of their own selves who are successful.
(Surat al-Hashr, 9)
In contrast, the Religion of the Ignorant constructs a model of
society totally based on personal interests. Someone raised in
Ignorantism is encouraged from childhood to develop a self-inter-
ested, egotistical character. The model that people observe in their
families, friends and society as a whole is a self-interested, oppor-
tunistic one that observes and defends personal interests only.
Under such influences, a child learns that it is "Everyone for him-
Self-interest and opportunism are features of this religion.
Extracting the most advantage for one's own interests under all cir-
cumstances is an indication of clever self-interest. Accordingly, peo-
ple must consider their own interests wherever they may find
themselves, and act for their own maximum advantage.
Relations between individuals are also shaped according to
that principle. In the workplace, employees seek to extract the max-
imum advantage from their employer, and vice-versa. The customer
seeks to extract the most from the sales representative, the sales rep-
resentative from the customer, and friends from one another.
In societies living by the Religion of the Ignorant, exploitation
is regarded as normal and becomes the basis of society's moral val-
ues. Everyone makes constant, intense efforts to exploit those one
step below them on the ladder. Missing such an opportunity is re-
garded as naiveté, or stupidity. Such a mindset, based on the philos-
ophy of "You only live once," stems from having no fear of Allah.
This conflict of interests leads to people having vulgar characters.
On occasion, some members of Ignorantism sometimes engage
in altruism, and helping the poor and needy. Yet these allegedly al-
truistic adherents of the Religion of the Ignorant don't do these