Page 75 - The Religion Of The Ignorant
P. 75

Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar

        ers, raise their levels of well-being, always seek the greatest measure
        of Allah's approval, refuse to be swept away by evil and worldly de-
        sires and to be deceived by satan and his whisperings, constantly in-
        crease in faith and reason and improve moral values. In this way, the
        noble characters of Muslims who seek maximum approval from
        Allah are also reflected outwardly. This is described in the Qur'an:
             Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, and those who are
             with him are fierce to the disbelievers, merciful to one an-
             other. You see them bowing and prostrating, seeking Allah's
             good favor and His pleasure. Their mark is on their faces,
             the traces of prostration. That is their likeness in the Torah.
             And their likeness in the Gospel is that of a seed which puts
             up a shoot and makes it strong so that it thickens and grows
             up straight upon its stalk, filling the sowers with delight—
             so that by them He may infuriate the disbelievers. Allah has
             promised those of them who believe and do right actions
             forgiveness and an immense reward. (Surat al-Fath, 29)

             The Psychology of Imposition
             In Ignorantism, controlling and establishing dominion over the
        others, and directing them in the manner one wants are important
        and necessary for survival, as is portraying oneself as different from
        how one really is. This may be summarized as imposing one‘s will. In
        the Religion of the Ignorant, one of the ways of rising to the top is
        mastery of the art of imposing one's will on others, which has its own
        unique techniques and tactics. This is such an important matter that a
        great many books have been written offering advice on the subject.
             Naturally, the most important means employed in imposing
        one's will on others are finding weaknesses in others that stem from
        features of Ignorantism. The more an individual's character conforms

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