Page 77 - The Religion Of The Ignorant
P. 77
Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar
functions, such as doing all that person's dirty work, satisfying their
wishes and maintaining their self-confidence.
If you look carefully, you can spot a hanger-on beside almost
every wealthy or famous individual. Both dress in the same way,
but you can immediately tell the hanger-on. He's the one who is
constantly humiliated, shouted at, who performs services, con-
stantly praises the other party, agrees with whatever he says, and
does everything he wants. The other party is praised, has all his
wishes met, all his words agreed with and generally humiliates the
The hanger-on's most important duty is to entertain the person
he is with, restore his spirits and maintain his self-confidence. That
means telling that person how attractive he is when he feels himself
to be ugly, cheering him up when he is downcast, laughing at his
jokes, listening to his problems and coming up with solutions, and
consoling him by showing the respect that nobody else truly feels
for him.
These two people spend every hour of the day together. They
go everywhere together, go the hairdresser and places of entertain-
ment together, live together and even spend the nights together.
When shopping, hangers-on generally wait for the other to try on
clothes, help him dress, say which clothes suit him, hold his bags,
answer the mobile phone for him, pass on messages, and fulfill all
his wishes. After buying many things for himself, the person trying
on the clothes will then buy the hanger-on a few items as recom-
pense for all the services he has performed. The wealthy party gen-
erally picks up the tab for his hanger-on whenever they go out to
eat, to the barber, or to a place of entertainment.
Another distinguishing feature of a hanger-on is that he gener-
ally stays in the home of the person he's attached to, rather than in