Page 37 - The Miracle in the Spider
P. 37

Spiders' Methods of Hunting              37

            male. Fooled for the moment, the spider emerges from its home. 9
                 How does Portia match signals with different types of spiders and
            why did it select such a different method of hunting? It is not logical to
            suggest that a spider could have an "imitative skill" and because of this
            should choose such an interesting hunting technique. The spider hunts in

            this way because that is how it was created by God. In such examples,
            God shows us the incomparable nature of His art of creation.

                                                                     Portia spiders
                                                                     imitate and hunt
                                                                     their own species.
                                                                     For example,
                                                                     Portia (the bottom
                                                                     spider), in the
                                                                     picture, deceives
                                                                     the female
                                                                     Euryattus (the top
                                                                     spider) by
                                                                     mimicing the
                                                                     mating ritual of
                                                                     the Euryattus
                                                                     spider which lives
                                                                     in a rolled-up leaf
                                                                     suspended by silk
                                                                     cables. Of course
                                                                     it is impossible for
                                                                     a spider to come
                                                                     by and employ
                                                                     this "imitative
                                                                     skill" all by itself.
                                                                     The spider was
                                                                     created by God to
                                                                     have this property.
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