Page 32 - The Miracle in the Spider
P. 32
of thinking. Furthermore, the spider is colour-blind. It can perceive
neither yellow nor pink. Even if we accept for a moment that it could
manage to match itself to the exact colours and tones it saw, it would still
not be possible for it to reproduce this within its own body. It is God, the
Owner of superior power, Who enables the spider to distinguish and
reproduce colours is God.
It is obvious that the flowers and the spider have been created to
match each others' colours by God. It is as if two pictures had been done
on the same canvas with the same paints and brush in the same colours
and tones, in a match that cannot be explained by any fairy tale-like
Hunting with a Ladder Orb Web
Spiders' webs are death traps for many living things. But there are
some creatures which can survive this deadly trap. For example, a normal
moth is impervious to spiders' webs. Because the dust on the moth's body
renders the sticky bits of the web ineffective. Thanks to this property the
moth is easily able to escape.
But moths can still be caught in webs of a construction which is
different from normal ones. The web of the Scoloderus spider, which lives
in tropical areas, is different from most webs, and closely resembles fly-
paper. In this way Scoloderus can easily catch moths. The Scoloderus spider
builds a web a meter long and 15-20 centimetres wide, resembling a
ladder. Moths caught in them fall down to the bottom of the web. During
the long fall they lose most of the protective covering which prevents
them sticking in normal webs, and so are caught in Scoloderus' trap.
So this spider has a hunting technique very different from that of
other species. The point of note in this method of hunting is that the
spider produces a web with features enabling it to catch the insect it
hunts. This species of spider, with its different web construction, is one of
many pieces of evidence testifying to God's infinite art of creation.