Page 29 - The Miracle in the Spider
P. 29
Spiders' Methods of Hunting 29
These pictures show the entrance to the
trapdoor spider's nest.
will use the same thread to make a cover for the nest, that it will use its
nest to hide from enemies and also as an incomparable trap, and that it
will give birth to its young in safety in this silk-padded nest. Were it not
so, the first trap-door spider to emerge would have died of heat or hunger
in the middle of the desert. That would mean the end of the species.
Furthermore, every new-born spider behaves in this same way. It
builds its nest in the same way and feeds in the same way. Therefore it
was not enough for the first spider to have these surprising features, it
also had to be able to pass all its knowledge on to later generations. This
can only happen by this knowledge being fixed in the spider's genes. But
notwithstanding all these facts, we are still faced with questions. How did
the trap-door spider come to have these characteristics, and who fixed
them in its genes?
These intelligent behaviour patterns, planning capability, tactical
selection and implementation, and flawless bodily construction, which
proponents of the theory of evolution try to explain by such concepts as
instinct, imaginary mechanisms, coincidence, or Mother Nature, can
actually have only one explanation. It is God Who gave all living
creatures the skills they have, or Who created them with these skills
already in place. God possesses incomparable knowledge.