Page 30 - The Miracle in the Spider
P. 30
The Master of Deception Spider
Contrary to common belief, many types of spider hunt without
building webs. One such spider, which catches its prey without a web, is
the crab spider. It disguises itself inside flowers and feeds on bees which
land on them. 6
The crab spider uses its ability to change colour to match the yellow
or white of the flower. It completely conceals its legs in the middle of the
flower and settles down to wait for its prey. The spider matches the colour
of the flower it hides in to perfection. It is only by the most careful
inspection that the spider can be distinguished from the flower.
The spider goes into action when a bee lands to suck the nectar from
the flower in which it is lying in ambush. At that very moment the spider
slowly wraps its legs around the bee, then, in a sudden movement it bites
it in the head, injecting its venom straight into its brain and then eating its
The colours of the flowers and the spider in this picture are identical. So much so
that some insects mistake the spider for a flower and land on it. The power which
made these two living things so adapted to each other, of identical colour, is God.