Page 99 - The Miracle in the Spider
P. 99

Webs, a Wonder of Planing                  99

            web of the Central American Argiope spider. These spiders place shiny
            white zig-zag markings on their webs. These markings are warnings to
            birds, reminding them not to venture inside the web. The spiders also use
            these markings to hide behind. The spider waits behind these markings
            and in this way prevents the prey from seeing it.

                 Models Inspired by Spiders' Webs
                 Nowadays one very popular method of making industrial plans is to
            use examples from nature. That is because models in nature are flawless
            in every way. Inter alia, energy-saving properties, aesthetic qualities,
            flawless practicality, and the manoeuvrability essential to a plan already
            exist in perfect form in nature. Models which man produces with his own
            capabilities and the knowledge gleaned over long years and as a result of
            difficult processes, do not generally go beyond being poor imitations of

            their counterparts in nature. This can be easily seen when we compare
            these imitations with nature's originals.
                 Spiders are one of the living creatures taken as an example. For

               The roof of the Munich Olympic Stadium was inspired by spider webs. In this
               way the various tensions are evenly distributed over the roof.
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