Page 295 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 295

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

                Him; He hears their cry and saves them. The Lord watches
                over all who love Him... (Psalms, 145:18-20)

                QURAN: If My servants ask you about Me, I am near. I an-
                swer the call of the caller when he calls on Me. They should
                therefore respond to Me and believe in Me so that hopefully
                they will be rightly guided. (Surat al- Baqara, 186)

                      People's True Duty Is to Serve God

                TORAH: ... Fear God and keep His commandments, for this
                is the whole duty of man. (Ecclesiastes, 12:13)

                QURAN: I only created jinn and man to worship Me. (Surat
                Adh-Dhariyat, 56)

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