Page 72 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 72


                                     God the All-See ing,
                               All-Hearing and Omniscient

                     You know when I sit and when I rise; You per ceive my
                     thoughts from afar. You dis cern my go ing out and my ly ing
                     down; You are fa mil iar with all my ways. Before a word is on
                     my tongue You know it com plete ly, O Lord. (Psalms, 139:2-

                     Does He Who im plant ed the ear not hear? Does He Who
                     formed the eye not see? (Psalms, 94:9)

                     Do not keep talk ing so proud ly or let your mouth speak such
                     ar ro gance, for the Lord is a God Who knows... (1 Samuel, 2:3)

                     But You, O God, do see troub le and grief; You con sid er it to
                     take it in hand. The vic tim com mits him self to You; You are
                     the help er of the fa ther less. (Psalms, 10:14)

                     I obey Your pre cepts and Your stat utes, for all my ways are
                     known to You. (Psalms, 119:168)

                     In the morn ing, O Lord, You hear my voice; in the morn ing I
                     lay my re quests be fore You and wait in ex pec ta tion. (Psalms,

                     You hear, O Lord, the de sire of the af flict ed; You en cour age
                     them, and You lis ten to their cry. (Psalms, 10:17)

                     ... since You know his heart [for You alone know the hearts of
                     all men]. (1 Kings, 8:39)

                     All my long ings lie open be fore You, O Lord; my sigh ing is
                     not hid den from You. (Psalms, 38:9)

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