Page 20 - Quick Grasp of Faith 2
P. 20

They make appropriate decisions acting in the light of their
             reason and conscience, thereby easily resolving all matters,
             whereas sentimentality plays a significant role in confound-
             ing one's understanding. If one approaches events emotion-
             ally instead of using reason, the ability to discriminate
             between right and wrong becomes impaired. One's decision-
             making and judgments can no longer be relied upon to be
             impartial or just. Since one attributes importance to what
             other people think, one cannot make quick and appropriate
             decisions. Evaluations made in an emotional state would be
             based on personal value judgements instead of the criteria of
             the Qur'an.

                11. What is the concept of sincerity in the

                 "Sincerity", literally, has the meaning of being pure and
             unadulterated. The concept of sincerity mentioned in the
             Qur'an denotes turning to Allah in devoutness. A sincere be-
             liever devotes all his deeds throughout his entire life to seek-
             ing the pleasure of Allah and expects his reward only from
             Him. He does not make devious calculations orientated
             around the opinions of other people or trying to find favour
             with them. Therefore all of his actions are sincere and can-
             did, such as would earn the pleasure of Allah.
                 A sincere person is honest first with Allah and then with
             people; because he well knows that Allah hears and sees all
             things, and that he will be judged in His presence and will
             be held responsible for all of his deeds, words and thoughts.
             For this reason the sincerity and candour of believers are
             among the most significant signs of the firmness of their

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