Page 22 - Quick Grasp of Faith 2
P. 22

of them in the Cave. He said to his companion, "Do
                 not be despondent, Allah is with us." ... (Surat at-

                 Tawba: 40)
                 As stated in the verse, our Prophet (may Allah bless him
             and grant him peace) advises his companion, even in the

             very midst of hardship, not to be despondent. Since believ-
             ers have an excellent model in the messenger, they behave
             accordingly in difficult situations.
                 Among the most important reasons why believers never
             despair is that they know that every incident Allah brings
             about will ultimately turn out to be good for them. Allah has
             promised believers a good life in this world. During this

             good life, believers hope Allah will place them in the eternal
             Hereafter in an outstandingly splendid abode, which is
             much more beautiful than this world and where Allah's
             blessings never diminish. This is certainly the best news one
             can ever receive and is the greatest source of joy. Therefore

             believers never become despondent. Allah gives believers
             the good news as follows:
                 Indeed, those who have said, "Our Lord is Allah",
                 and then remained on a right course—the angels de-

                 scend upon them [saying]: "Do not fear and do not
                 grieve but rejoice in the Garden [i.e., Paradise] you
                 have been promised. We are your protectors in the
                 life of this world and the Hereafter. You will have

                 there all that your selves could wish for. You will
                 have there everything you demand. (Surah Fussilat:

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