Page 30 - Quick Grasp of Faith 2
P. 30

21. How will the unbelievers be recognised on
                the Day of Judgement?

                 The evildoers will be recognised by their marks and
                 seized by their forelocks and their feet. (Surat ar-
                 Rahman: 41)
                 In the above verse Allah states that unbelievers will be
             recognised on the Day of Judgement by their marks. A per-
             son might have a beautiful or an innocent face in this world.
             Nevertheless, these people's faces after being raised up on
             the Day of Reckoning are described in the Quran as "down-
             cast", "dust-covered" and "overcast with gloom". It is re-
             lated in the verses that unbelievers will be gathered blind.
             Apart from blindness, their eyes will be horrible in appear-
             ance and, as related in the Qur'an, evildoers will be "blue-
             eyed" with terror. Every unbeliever will be raised up on the
             Day of Judgement in such a horrible state.

                22. How do believers react to diseases or

                 Believers know that Allah tries men with hardships or
             diseases. For that reason they are always steadfast. They put
             their trust in Allah even at the time of a severe disease or a
             hardship, and never give way to despair. Being aware of the
             fact that it is Allah Who gives the disease or the hardship
             and that only He will cause it to cease, they turn towards
             Him. They hope for the reward for their good behaviour
             both in this world and in the Hereafter only from Allah.
             Allah informs us of the virtuous manner of believers faced
             with hardships as follows:

                 We will test you with a certain amount of fear and
                 hunger and loss of wealth and life and fruits. But

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