Page 32 - Quick Grasp of Faith 2
P. 32

Allah states that there is instruction in the stories related
             in the Qur'an. Events narrated in these stories provide an ex-
             ample for believers in many respects. These stories assume
             great importance for believers, in terms of enabling them to
             recognise and not to repeat the mistakes of those who have
             passed away; to discern how past messengers and believers
             behaved in particular cases, and to take them as role models;
             to discern and adopt their virtuous characters; and to evalu-
             ate current events by considering past events and their out-

                25. How were past nations destroyed?

                 Allah sent messengers to nations who have passed away
             and warned them of the presence of the Hereafter and the Day
             of Reckoning. Yet most of these nations did not pay heed to
             these warnings, they opposed Allah and His messengers and
             forgot their Islamic morals, upon which Allah struck them
             with disasters as a reminder, and destroyed those who did not
             take heed of the warning. The punishments that befell these
             nations were varied in nature. However, what is common is
             that it came to them from where they did not expect, and at an
             unexpected time, usually while they were asleep.
                 These punishments sometimes destroyed a whole city or
             an entire nation, they did not leave any trace of the city, and
             were painful and fearful. Allah refers to such perished nations
             in many verses in the Qur'an as a reminder to people:

                 Do they not see how many generations before them
                 We have destroyed and that they will not return to
                 them? (Surah Ya Sin: 31)
                 Of the punishments mentioned in the Qur'an some are
             listed as follows:

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