Page 36 - Quick Grasp of Faith 2
P. 36

and if heavy rain does not fall, there is dew. Allah
                 sees what you do. (Surat al-Baqara: 263-265)

                30. What is the reprisal in the sight of Allah for
                hoarding wealth or being tight-fisted?

                 Some people hoard up their wealth and money through-
             out their entire life and do not use it for good causes as de-
             fined in the Qur'an. With insatiable greed, they persistently
             try to possess more and more wealth. As for what they gain,
             they do not spend it in the way of Allah, or to feed those in
             need, but just to enjoy themselves. They hoard up much
             more than they will ever need and do not use it for good
             deeds apart from some small expenditures which serves as
             a means to show off. These people will have a terrible repri-
             sal in the Hereafter, which is related in the Surat at-Tawba as
                 ... As for those who hoard up gold and silver and do
                 not spend it in the Way of Allah, give them the news
                 of a painful punishment on the Day it is heated up
                 in the fire of Hell and their foreheads, sides and
                 backs are branded with it [when it will be said]:
                 "This is what you hoarded for yourselves, so taste
                 what you were hoarding!" (Surat at-Tawba: 34-35)

                 Those who hoard their wealth and are parsimonious are
             in fact those who are greedily attached to this world with
             what they possess and who cannot grasp that Allah has
             given them wealth and assets to try them in this world. Yet
             Allah is the One Who is rich beyond need, and is the true
             owner of all wealth. It is man who needs a reward from
             Allah by spending in His way. This fact is related in a
             Qur'anic verse as follows:

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