Page 41 - Quick Grasp of Faith 2
P. 41

Allah, one first needs to know the real meaning of life. Allah
             informs us about the real meaning of the life of this world in
             the Qur'an:
                 He Who created death and life to test which of you
                 is best in action. He is the Almighty, the Ever-Forgiv-
                 ing. (Surat al-Mulk: 2)

                 As stated in this verse, everybody is tested in his deeds.
             Those who do good desire to earn the pleasure of Allah and
             to enter Paradise. And they know that they therefore need to
             spend every moment of their lives engaged in such an effort.
                 Some people, however, are mistaken on this point. They
             think that only observing some religious practices and
             avoiding what is forbidden are for the pleasure of Allah, and
             that the rest of the time is not connected to the religion. In
             fact man should try to earn the good pleasure of Allah at
             every single moment, in every word, in every thought and
             in every deed. Someone who intends to devote every mo-
             ment of his life to Allah always speaks in a manner that will
             be pleasing to Him. For example, everyone in the world
             works and earns money. Yet he who lives for Allah works in
             order to serve His religion and, setting aside of his earnings
             for himself only what he needs, spends the rest in deeds that
             would please Him. This person always talks in the way that
             would please Allah most. He reminds people of Allah, for-
             bids them what is wrong and commands them to do what is
             right. He makes friendships with those whom Allah would
             be pleased with. While making this selection, he does not
             take into consideration his worldly interests or the criteria of
             people who do not live by Islamic morals. At every instant,
             he considers how he can best earn the good pleasure of

                                   HARUN YAHYA
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