Page 46 - Quick Grasp of Faith 2
P. 46

Him we will return." Those are the people who will
                 have blessings and mercy from their Lord; they are
                 the ones who are guided. (Surat al-Baqara: 155-157)

                40. What is the purpose of the wealth granted
                to unbelievers?

                 The wealth and power that unbelievers possess have al-
             ways led them to even further insolence. This is a mystery
             explained in the Quran. Allah informs believers that the
             wealth of unbelievers is only worldly and commands believ-
             ers not to be impressed by them in any way. He also prom-
             ises that He will increase their disbelief with this wealth, and
             ultimately drive them altogether into Hell.
                 A Qur'anic verse relating to this significant fact states:
                 Do not let their wealth and children impress you.
                 Allah merely wants to punish them by them during
                 their life in this world and for them to expire while
                 they are disbelieving. (Surat at-Tawba: 55)

                41. Why aren't unbelievers repaid with
                immediate destruction for their disbelief?

                 Since this world is a testing place, Allah lets everyone
             live long enough to pay heed and to correct their behaviour.
             Until this specified time expires, the punishment of unbe-
             lievers in the Hereafter is deferred, so that they won't have
             any excuse to offer when they enter the Fire. Those who are
             resolute in their disbelief are given opportunities to reveal
             their evil as much as possible. Thus enough evidence is
             gathered for them to meet the reprisal in Hell for what they
             have earned.

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