Page 49 - Quick Grasp of Faith 2
P. 49

messengers; those who do not believe that they will be
             raised up and do not believe in the Hereafter; those who do
             not believe that they will be gathered to Allah; those who are
             pleased with the life of this world and are content with it;
             those who do not strive to perform the prayers that Allah or-
             dains for them without any acceptable excuse; those who do
             not fear Allah in the way they should fear Him; those who
             do not establish regular prayer; those who devise evil plots;
             those who cause corruption; those who seek discord; who
             deny Allah's Signs; those who are too proud to worship
             Allah; those who slander believers; those who spread forni-
             cation; those who conceal the truth and are liars; those who
             do not preserve the limits of Allah; those who consume for-
             bidden foods; those who do not give full measure and full
             weight with justice; those who are arrogant, tight-fisted,
             coarse, selfish, ungrateful, treacherous, boastful, indecent
             and obdurate...
                 Allah has announced that every unbeliever who pos-
             sesses these attributes and remains so until death will enter
             Hell and will be repaid with painful punishment for what he
             used to do. It is stated in Surah Qaf as follows:
                 Hurl into Hell every obdurate disbeliever, impeder
                 of good, doubt-causing aggressor, who set up an-
                 other god together with Allah. Hurl him into the ter-
                 rible punishment. (Surah Qaf: 24-26)

                44. Will remorse in Hell be of any benefit?

                 Allah informs all mankind through His messengers and
             His revelations about what they should do. He does not de-
             stroy any city without giving it prior warning as a reminder
             (Surat ash-Shu'ara': 208). Everyone lives long enough to take

                                   HARUN YAHYA
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