Page 52 - Quick Grasp of Faith 2
P. 52

ing food and drink.
                 Descriptions in the Qur'an of the food and drink that are
             prepared for unbelievers in Hell convey the indescribable
             punishment and the sickening horror of their situation:
                 The tree of Az-Zaqqum (Surat ad-Dukhan: 43-46) and
             bitter thorny bush (Surat al-Ghashiyya: 6-7) are among the
             food of Hell. Scalding water (Surat al-Waqi'a: 54-55), pus to
             drink (Surah Ibrahim: 16-17) and exuding pus (Surat al-
             Haqqa: 36) are among the drinks of Hell.

                47. Is Hell divided into ranks?

                 In Hell, everyone will be repaid in full for what they did.
             Certainly people will be ranked according to the intensity of
             their disbelief, the confusion they stirred up concerning the
             believers and Allah's religion, and according to the serious-
             ness of the wrongdoing they used to commit in the world.
             For example, it is declared in the Qur'an that hypocrites, the
             main enemies of believers against whom they hatch secret
             plans, will be in the lowest level of the Fire (Surat an-Nisa':
             145). Likewise, it is stated in the verse below that all unbe-
             lievers will certainly enter the Fire and, with the justice of
             Allah, will be paid in full for what they did:
                 Those are people of whom the statement about the
                 nations, both of jinn and men, who passed away be-
                 fore them, has also proved true; truly they were the
                 lost. Everyone will be ranked according to what they
                 did. We will pay them in full for their actions and
                 they will not be wronged. (Surat al-Ahqaf: 18-19)
                 Besides this, unless Allah wills otherwise, people will
             not be forgiven and released from Hell after a given period
             of punishment for their wrong actions. Every unbeliever

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