Page 55 - Quick Grasp of Faith 2
P. 55

• Vessels of crystalline silver and many others...

                 Paradise is evidently a place of extraordinary perfection
             where man can find the greatest of pleasures. Allah relates in
             a verse of Qur'an the splendour of Paradise as follows:
                 Wherever you look, you will see pleasure and great
                 dominion. (Surat al-Insan: 20)

                50. What will the spiritual environment of
                Paradise be like?
                 Paradise is a blessing that Allah bestows on believers in
             return for their good behaviour and good actions which they
             performed in the world. It is stated in the Qur'an that in
             Paradise, where all kinds of beauty are presented, there is
             nothing at all to disturb people:

                 • There is complete security;
                 • There is no rancour or hatred;

                 • There is no chatter or lies;
                 • There is no tiredness or weariness;

                 • There is no fear or sadness;
                 • There are sweet and lovely people;

                 • There is no growing old, everybody is of the same age;

                 • Paradise is a place where people will be surrounded
                 by the greatest pleasures.
                 What is listed here is certainly only a few examples
             which illustrate the security and peace of Paradise. Allah de-
             clares that whereas unbelievers will suffer indescribable tor-
             ment, believers will be in a great physical and spiritual
             comfort and peace:

                                   HARUN YAHYA
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