Page 54 - Quick Grasp of Faith 2
P. 54

49. What will life in Paradise be like?

                 Descriptions of Paradise in the Qur'an use terms that are
             familiar to us from the world we live in. Residences in
             Paradise are described, magnificent furniture and dazzlingly
             beautiful goods are mentioned. Besides these, descriptions
             are given of the jewellery and the garments worn in
             Paradise, and of the food and drink provided there. Great
             emphasis is placed on the surpassing beauty and incompa-
             rable magnificence of what the believers will enjoy. It is also
             declared that, in Paradise, man will be given anything that
             he may think of and beauties that he cannot even imagine.
             The biggest difference between the life of this world and the
             life of Paradise is undoubtedly the fact that none of the im-
             perfection of this world exists in the Garden. Some of the
             delicacies and wonders of Paradise are mentioned as fol-

                 • A great and magnificent kingdom;
                 • Lofty chambers and residences;

                 • Raised couches;
                 • Finest garments made of silk and brocade;

                 • Bracelets made of gold and silver; jewels and pearls;
                 • Gardens with rivers flowing under them;

                 • Cool, refreshing shade;
                 • Platters and cups of gold;

                 • Couches lined with rich brocade;
                 • Green quilts and exquisite rugs;

                 • Rivers of milk whose taste will never change, rivers of
                 honey of undiluted purity;

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