Page 48 - Quick Grasp of Faith 2
P. 48

• Those who gloat with their wealth and property,
                 such as Qarun and the wealthy garden owner, lose all
                 their wealth with personal destruction. (Surat al-
                 Qasas: 76-82, Surat al-Kahf: 32-43)

                 • Unbelievers are made the most miserable. (Surat al-
                 A'la: 11-12)
                 • They live filled with false hopes. (Surat an-Nisa':

                 • Allah makes their breast narrow and constricted; He
                 defiles them. (Surat al-An'am: 125)

                43. Who will enter the Fire?

                 In many verses of the Qur'an those who will enter Hell
             are classified with certain characteristics. Some of the char-
             acteristics of these people can be listed as follows: those who
             disbelieve in Allah; who associate others with Allah; those
             who take other gods together with Allah; those who claim to
             be god (Surely Allah is beyond that); those who take others
             as false gods, saviours or guides instead of Allah; those who
             hinder men from the path of Allah; those who look for
             crookedness in the path of Allah; those who conceal any of
             the revelations of the Book of Allah; those who prevent His
             name from being celebrated; those who devour the wealth
             of orphans wrongfully; those who do wrong to people; those
             who devour usury; those who slayed the prophets unjustly;
             those who slay those among men who enjoin justice; those
             who oppose the messengers of Allah; those who kill men de-
             liberately; those who devour the property of men by false
             means; those who treat their religion as a game and a diver-
             sion; those who make a mockery of Allah's Signs and of His

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