Page 43 - Quick Grasp of Faith 2
P. 43

what is better and the superior, and make a sincere effort to
             attain it.

                37. Is there any compulsion in religion?
                 The answer to this question is given clearly in a Qur'anic
             verse as follows:
                 There is no compulsion where the religion is con-
                 cerned. Right guidance has become clearly distinct
                 from error. Anyone who rejects false gods and be-
                 lieves in Allah has grasped the Firmest Handhold,
                 which will never give way. Allah is All-Hearing, All-
                 Knowing. (Surat al-Baqara: 256)

                 As stated in the verse, no-one can be compelled to live by
             Islamic morals. Conveying the existence of Allah and the
             morals of the Qur'an to other people is a duty that believers
             are charged with. Believers who desire to perform their duty
             spread the message of religion in order to guide other peo-
             ple; yet knowing that they cannot do anything unless Allah
             wills, they leave the rest to Him. Since the existence of Allah
             and of the Hereafter is evident, it is extremely easy to dis-
             criminate between the path that Allah calls to and the inde-
             cency that satan calls to. Everyone can easily see which of
             these is better and beneficial. Therefore, those who fear Allah
             follow the right path most willingly and with pleasure.
                 Allah states in many verses that believers' only duty is to
             convey the truth. This is related in a Qur'anic verse as fol-
                 If they argue with you, say, "I have submitted my-
                 self completely to Allah, and so have all who fol-
                 low me." Tell both those who have been given the
                 Book as well as the unlettered, "Have you become

                                   HARUN YAHYA
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