Page 38 - Quick Grasp of Faith 2
P. 38

one He wills or restricts it. But the majority of man-
                 kind do not know it." It is not your wealth or your
                 children that will bring you near to Us—only in the
                 case of people who believe and act rightly; such peo-
                 ple will have a double recompense for what they
                 did. They will be safe from all harm in the high halls
                 of Paradise. (Surah Saba': 34-37)

                32. How does one avoid the dangers of self-

                 The self commands man to do evil. This fact is related in
             Surat ash-Shams as follows:
                 By the soul and the One Who proportioned and in-
                 spired it with knowledge of depravity and with its
                 sense of duty, he who purifies it has succeeded, he
                 who covers it up has failed. (Surat ash-Shams: 7-10)

                 Another verse pointing out the capacity of the soul to
             command to do evil is about the Prophet Yusuf (peace be
             upon him), It is told in the verse that when a lie was forged
             against him though he was innocent, he said:
                 I do not say my self was free from blame. The self
                 indeed commands to evil acts—except for those my
                 Lord has mercy on. My Lord, He is Forgiving, Merci-
                 ful. (Surah Yusuf: 53)
                 As it is told in the verse, the self always commands to
             evil. For that reason it would not be appropriate to try to de-
             fend oneself or to prove one's rightness immediately, for one
             might have momentarily and unawares followed what the
             self desired. What should indeed be done in such a case is to
             stop and reflect first before acting. When a person reflects

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