Page 40 - Quick Grasp of Faith 2
P. 40

children, pleasing houses, cars in any colour or model, as-
             sorted food are the values that attach man to this world. Yet
             man should remember that these are bestowed by Allah as a
             temporary benefit, all of them are merely the perishable
             goods of this world and, as announced in the verse above,
             "the best homecoming" is in the Hereafter. As for these ben-
             efits he is given, he should not squander them during his
             worldly life, but use them in making preparation for the
             Hereafter. Those who behave in accordance with this abso-
             lute truth are not swept away by the life of the world.

                34. What will be the end of those who are
                satisfied with the life of this world?

                 Some people are greedily attached to the world, forget-
             ting that it is imperfect and short-lived. Allah characterises
             these people in the Qur'an as follows:
                 As for those who do not expect to meet Us and are
                 content with the life of this world and at rest in it,
                 and those who are heedless of Our Signs, their shel-
                 ter will be the Fire because of what they earned.
                 (Surah Yunus: 7-8)
                 Those who are blindly attached to this world, forgetting
             their Creator, should know that in reprisal for what they do,
             they will suffer the eternal punishment of Hell. These peo-
             ple, on account of preferring a very short life of enjoyment,
             will lose an endless life of bliss. In the Hereafter they will
             not, even for a single instant, be able to enjoy those benefits
             which they are so greedily attached to in this world.

                35. Can a person spend his entire life for Allah?

                 In order to understand how to spend one's entire life for

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