Page 61 - Quick Grasp of Faith 2
P. 61

does not accord with a proper understanding of Allah and
             His Book.
                 The Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) was a Muslim
             who emigrated to Allah, quitting the life style of his people
             once he saw the truth. The Prophet Lut (pbuh) is another
             messenger who turned towards Allah, showing a virtuous
             character like the Prophet Ibrahim (pbuh). This conduct of
             the Prophet Lut (pbuh) is related in the Qur'an as follows:
                 And Lut believed in him [Ibrahim]. He said, "I will
                 emigrate to [the service of] my Lord. He is the Al-
                 mighty, the All Wise." (Surat al-'Ankabut: 26)

                56. What does the phrase "the religion of our fa-
                thers" mean in the Qur'an?
                 The commands of Islam and how a believer should behave
             are thoroughly defined in the Qur'an. The phrase "religion of
             fathers" means a made-up religion based on past habits, tradi-
             tions or hearsay, acting by many rules that have nothing to do
             with the commands of the Qur'an. It is this "religion of fathers"
             which is the source of superstitious beliefs and practices that
             are not mentioned anywhere in the Qur'an and in the hadiths.
                 People who live by the "superstitious religion of fathers"
             are found in great numbers within ignorant societies. People
             who live in these societies follow various prayers and rituals
             without questioning why they do it, or examining the way
             they have been inherited from their forefathers, and simply
             assume that they are performing satisfactory and acceptable
             religious acts. Quite clearly, their purpose is not to gain the
             good pleasure of Allah, but instead to preserve the corrupt
             inheritance they have received from previous generations.
             The example of the people of the Prophet Ibrahim (pbuh)

                                   HARUN YAHYA
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