Page 65 - Quick Grasp of Faith 2
P. 65

59. What does corruption mean in the Qur'an?

                 Many examples are given in the Qur'an of corrupt peo-
             ple and their characteristics. Yet the basic attribute of a cor-
             rupt person is that they oppose Allah, His messengers and
             His books, attempt to set up obstacles to the religion and
             Muslims according to their own vile minds, and reject the
             limits of Allah. The attributes common to such people are
             described in the following verse:
                 As for those who disbelieved and barred access to
                 the way of Allah, We will heap punishment on top
                 of their punishment because of the corruption they
                 brought about. (Surat an-Nahl: 88)
                 It is mentioned in the Qur'an that these people, who try
             to prevent others from the way of Allah, disturb peace and
             harmony on earth, stir up trouble, undermine the com-
             mands and prohibitions of Allah, and give short weights
             and measures. Allah repays these people both in the world
             and in the Hereafter. He punishes them in many ways as de-
             clared in the above verse, and with His endless justice, re-
             pays with the punishment due to them everyone who tries
             to bring corruption.

                60. Who are the hypocrites?

                 Hypocrites are defined in the Qur'an as people who pre-
             tend to believe, when in fact they don't, and who hope to
             take advantage of the believers among whom they live. Allah
             has informed us that hypocrites are corrupt people, who at-
             tempt to cause dissension among believers. In other words,
             they secretly aim to disturb the peace and harmony of believ-
             ers. On account of this trait of theirs, they are described as

                                   HARUN YAHYA
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