Page 70 - The Basic Concepts in the Qur’an
P. 70

Satan wants others too to go astray. This is a type of psychological satisfaction which is
                  also prevalent among human beings. Just like Satan, one who commits a crime also wants
                  others do the same and be arrested. This is actually an expectation that gives relief to satan; the
                  hope of sharing the crime and thus the penalty too. It is a consolation for those who reject faith
                  and deny the existence of Allah to know that they are surrounded by people who have also
                  gone astray. Sentiments like, “Everyone does it” and, “ If all these people go to hell, so shall I”
                  are commonly expressed. The rationale behind these statements is the logic as explained
                  above. Satan knows Allah, he is totally aware of His existence and also His power. However,
                  driven by his own superiority complex, he expects special treatment and wants to enjoy certain
                  privileges. That is why he goes astray, when he is commanded to prostrate himself to Adam. No
                  less  than  Satan, men too go astray: in the Qur’an it is described how unbelievers do
                  acknowledge the existence of Allah, yet, believing themselves to possess some special features,
                  they want to enjoy certain rights over others. What is more, many people who go astray, still
                  consider themselves to be the “beloved servants of Allah.” In the Qur’an, this mentality is
                  frequently emphasized:
                        Christians and Jews who say: “We are sons of Allah, and his beloved,” are responded
                       to as follows: “Why then did He punish you for your sins? No, you are but men,- of
                       the men He has created: He forgives whom He pleases, and He punishes whom He
                       pleases : Allah has dominion over the heavens and the earth, and all that is between.
                       All shall return to Him.
                                                                                          (Al-Maeda, 18)

                       The feeling of being privileged and superior may manifest itself in various ways. Islam
                  teaches man that he owes his existence to Allah and that he has nothing except what Allah has
                  endowed him with. Denial of this fact is the main reason why the majority of people go astray.
                  In the manners of Satan saying: “I am created from flame,” being a member of a noble family,
                  possessing a lot of money or having good looks make people feel superior. This ultimately
                  becomes the reason of their unmittigated arrogance. The case of Qarun, one of Moses people,
                  is a remarkable example, as is narrated in the following verses from Al-Qasas.
                       Qarun was doubtless of the people of Moses; but he acted insolently towards them:
                       such were the treasures We had bestowed on him that their very keys would have
                       been a burden to a body of strong men, behold, his people said to him: “Do not exult,
                       for Allah does not love those who exult (in riches). But seek, by means of the wealth
                       which Allah has bestowed on you, the home of the hereafter. Do not forget your share
                       in this world: but do good, as Allah has been good to you, and do not seek occasions
                       for mischief in the land: for Allah does not love those who do mischief.” He said:
                       “This has been given to me because of a certain knowledge which I have.” Did he not
                       know that Allah had destroyed, before him, whole generations, which were superior
                       to him in strength and greater in the amount of riches they had collected? But the
                       wicked are not called immediately to account for their sins. So he went forth among
                       his people in the pride of his worldly glitter. Those whose aim was the life of this said:
                       “Oh! that we had the like of what Qarun has got! For he is truly a lord of mighty good
                       fortune!” But those who had been granted true knowledge said: “Alas for you! The
                       reward of Allah (in the hereafter) is best for those who believe and do good works: but
                       this none shall attain, save those who steadfastly persevere in doing good.” Then We
                       caused the earth to swallow up him and his house; and he had no one at all to help
                       him against Allah; nor could he defend himself. And those who had envied his
                       position the day before began to say the next day: “Ah! it is indeed Allah Who gives
                       abundants to whom He will and sparingly to whom He pleases! Had it not been that
                       Allah was gracious to us, He could have caused the earth to swallow us up! Ah! those
                       who reject Allah will assuredly never prosper.” As for the abode of the hereafter We
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