Page 74 - The Basic Concepts in the Qur’an
P. 74

difficult for them on account of their arrogance. The same thing happened to Salih who was
                  sent to the people of Thamud:
                       For they said: “What! a man! a solitary one from among ourselves! Shall we follow
                       such a one? Truly should we then be straying in our minds, and mad! Has the
                       Message been sent to him, of all people amongst us? He is indeed a liar, and an
                       insolent one!”
                                                                                       (Al-Qamar, 24-25)

                       In understanding how arrogance misleads men, Surat’ Al-Muddaththir enlightens us
                  greatly. It gives the example of a man who is given many favours by Allah, who listens to and
                  understands the words of Allah, but who disobeys Allah out of sheer arrogance. For this he
                  deserves to be punished by being consigned to Hell:
                       Leave to Me the creature whom I created bare and alone!—to whom I granted
                       resources in abundance, and sons to be by his side!-to whom I made (life) smooth and
                       comfortable! Yet is he greedy for Me to add yet more; By no means! For to Our Signs
                       he has been refractory! Soon I will afflict him with a mountain of calamities! For he
                       thought and he plotted. And woe to him! How he plotted! Yes, woe to him, how he
                       plotted! He looked around him, then he frowned and he scowled; then he turned
                       back and was haughty. Then he said “This is nothing but magic, derived from of old;
                       this is nothing but the word of a mortal!” Soon I will cast him into Hell-Fire! And what
                       will explain to you what Hell-Fire is? It permits nothing to endure, and spares no one!
                       It burns the skins of men!
                                                                                  (Al-Muddaththir, 11-29)

                       In another verse, the situation of an arrogant person in Hell is described as follows:
                       A voice will cry: “Seize him and drag him into the midst of the blazing fire! Then pour
                       over his head the penalty of boiling water, saying, `Taste this! Truly, you were mighty
                       and an honourable man. Surely this is what you used to doubt.’”
                                                                                     (Ad-Dukhan, 47-50)

                       Man is merely a servant of Allah. Keeping in mind his actual state before Allah will make
                  him appreciate deep in his heart the favours bestowed by Him. In this way, he realizes that he
                  does not possess anything, for they are Allah’s endowments. He finds real relief in being
                  grateful to Allah. If he starts to display arrogance on account of what has been granted to him,
                  before long he loses the pleasure he derives from that favour. Soon he witnesses the total loss of
                  the favour in question. The whole system is simply based on understanding one’s position
                  before Allah; Allah guides the one who realizes that he is His servant. Otherwise, he will incur
                  the wrath of his Lord, as the following verse relates:

                       “...those who disdain His service through arrogance - shall all be brought before
                                                                                           (An-Nisa, 172)

                       But those who reject Our signs and treat them with arrogance, shall be companions of
                       the Fire, to dwell therein forever.
                                                                                             (Al-Araf, 36)

                       On the contrary, those who are not arrogant, but moderate are true servants of Allah, and
                  will be rewarded with heaven:

                       True abode of the hereafter We shall give to those who intend neither high-
                       handedness nor mischief on earth: and the end is best for the righteous.
                                                                                           (Al-Qasas, 83)
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