Page 78 - The Basic Concepts in the Qur’an
P. 78

(Al-Anfal, 2)

                       To Allah belong the unseen secrets of the heavens and the earth, and to Him goes
                       back every affair for decision: then worship Him, and put your trust in Him: your Lord
                       is not unmindful of what you do.
                                                                                              (Hud, 123)

                       Thus have We sent you forth to a people before whom long since other peoples have
                       passed away so that you may recite them what We send down to you by inspiration;
                       yet they reject Him, the Most Gracious! Say: “He is my Lord! There is no god but He!
                       In Him I put my trust, and to Him I shall return.”
                                                                                             (Al-Rad, 30)

                       Their messengers said to them: “True, we are human like yourselves, but Allah
                       bestows His grace on such of his servants as He pleases. It is not for us to bring you
                       proof, except as Allah permits. And in Allah let all men of faith put their trust.
                                                                                        (Abraham, 11-12)

                       Say: “He is (Allah) Most Gracious: We have believed in Him, and in Him we have put
                       our trust. So, soon you will know which of us it is that is in manifest error.”
                                                                                            (Al-Mulk, 29)

                       The person who trusts in Allah and takes Him as guardian and protector should be well
                  aware of the fact that there is nobody else to trust in and take as a guardian. Nothing troubles a
                  believer as long as he prays to Allah, and trusts in Him. By the will of Allah, events will proceed
                  and end in the best possible way for a believer. As it says in the Qur’an:“

                       Put your trust in Allah, and Allah is All-sufficient as a Disposer of affairs.”
                                                                                            (Al-Ahzap, 3)

                       In another verse it is related as follows:
                       ...And for those who fear Allah, He will always find a means of salvation, and will
                       provide for them from sources they could never imagine. And if anyone puts his trust
                       in Allah, He is all sufficient for him. For Allah will surely accomplish his purpose:
                       indeed, for all things Allah has appointed a due proportion.
                                                                                           (At-Talaq, 2-3)

                       Unless Allah permits, nobody can do harm to the believers. Nobody can kill a man unless
                  Allah wills. It is only Allah who can take away life. Hence, it is pointless to feel fear for any
                  being except Allah. The Qur’an repeatedly reminds believers of this fact:

                       Secret counsels are only inspired by the Evil One, in order that he may cause grief to
                       the believers; but he cannot harm them in the least, except as Allah permits; in Allah
                       let the believers put their trust.
                                                                                        (Al-Mujadila, 10)

                       Do not obey the unbelievers and the hypocrites, and pay no heed not to their
                       insolence, but put your trust in Allah. For Allah is All-Sufficient as a Disposer of
                                                                                           (Al-Ahzap, 48)

                       If indeed you ask them who created the heavens and the earth, they will be sure to
                       say, “Allah”. Say: “Do then that the things you invoke besides Allah, can if Allah wills
                       some Penalty for me, remove His Penalty? Or if He wills some Grace for me, can they
                       keep back his Grace?” Say: “Allah is All -sufficient for me! “ In Him let the faithful put
                       their trust.”
                                                                                          (Az-Zumar, 38)
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