Page 91 - The Basic Concepts in the Qur’an
P. 91
And, out of kindness, treat them (your parents) with humility and tenderness, and say:
“My Lord! bestow on them Your Mercy. They cherished me in childhood.”
(Al-Isra, 24)
Say: “O my Lord! Let my entry be by the gate of truth and honour, and likewise my
exit by the gate of truth and honour; and grant me your authority to aid me.”
(Al-Isra, 80)
When the youths sought refuge in the cave, they said: “Our Lord! bestow on us Your
Mercy and dispose of our affair for us in the right way!”
(Al-Kahf, 10)
This is a recital of the Mercy of your Lord to His servant Zakariya. Behold! he cried to
his Lord in secret, praying: “O my Lord! infirm indeed are my bones, and the hair of
my head glistens with grey: but never am I unblest, O my Lord, in my prayer to You!
Now I fear what my relatives and colleagues will do after me: but my wife is barren:
so give me an heir as from yourself,- one that will truly represent me, and represent
the posterity of Jacob; and make him, O my Lord! one with whom you are well-
pleased!” (His prayer was answered):
“O Zakariya! We give you good news of a son: his name shall be Yahya: on none by
that name have we conferred distinction before.”
He said:
“O my Lord! How shall I have a son, when my wife is barren and I have grown quite
decrepit in my old age?”
He replied:
“Such is the will of your Lord. It shall be no difficult task for Me, for I brought you into
being when you were nothing before.”
(Mary, 2-8)
O my Lord! make me and my offspring steadfast in prayers. O our Lord! accept my
prayer. O our Lord! grant us your Forgiveness - me, my parents, and all believers, on
the Day of Reckoning!
(Ibrahim, 40-41)
(Moses) said:
“O my Lord! Put courage into my heart; ease my task for me; and remove the
impediment from my speech, so they may understand what I say: and give me a
counsellor from my family, Aaron, my brother; add to my strength through him, and
make him share my task, so that we may celebrate your praise without stint, and
remember You always. For you are surely watching over us.”
(Ta-Ha, 25-35)
And remember Yunus, when he departed in wrath: he imagined that We had no
power over him! But he cried in the darkness, “There is no god but You. Glory be to
You: I was indeed wrong!” So We listened to him, and delivered him from distress
Thus do We deliver those who have faith.
(Al-Anbiya, 87-88)
And (remember) Zakariya, when he cried to his Lord:
“O my Lord! do not leave me without offspring, though you are the best of inheritors.”
(Al-Anbiya, 89)