Page 92 - The Basic Concepts in the Qur’an
P. 92
“O my Lord! if you will show me in my lifetime that which they are warned against,
then, O my Lord! Do not put me amongst the people who do wrong!”
(Al-Mumenoon, 93-94)
(Noah) said: “O my Lord! help me, for they accuse me of falsehood!”
(Al-Mumenoon, 26)
And when you have embarked on the Ark - you and those with you, say:
“Praise be to Allah, Who has saved us from the people who do wrong.” And say: “O
my Lord! enable me to disembark with your blessing: for you are the Best to enable us
to disembark.”
(Al-Mumenoon, 28-29)
(The Prophet) said: “O my Lord! help me: for they accuse me of falsehood.”
(Al-Mumenoon, 39)
And say: “O my Lord! I seek refuge in you from the promptings of the Evil Ones. And I
seek refuge in you, O my Lord! lest they should come near me.”
(Al-Mumenoon, 97-98)
So say: “O my Lord! grant us forgiveness and mercy, for you are the Best of those who
show mercy!”
(Al-Mumenoon, 118)
And those who pray, “Our Lord! Give us joy in our wives and offspring and give us
the grace to lead the righteous. (Al-Furqan, 74)
Abraham said : “O my Lord! bestow wisdom on me, and join me with the righteous;
grant me honourable mention on the tongue of truth among the latest generations;
make me one of the inheritors of the Garden of Bliss; forgive my father, for that he is
among those who have gone astray; and let me not be in disgrace on the Day of
(Al-Shuara, 83-87)
He (Noah) said: “O my Lord! truly, my people have rejected me. Judge rightly
between us, and deliver me and those of the believers who are with me.”
(Al-Shuara, 117-118)
So he (Solomon ) smiled,amused at her speech and said: “O my Lord! so order me
that I may be grateful for your favours, which you have bestowed on me and on my
parents, and so that I may do the good works that will please you: and admit me, by
your Grace, to the ranks of your righteous servants.”
(Al-Naml, 19)
He (Moses) prayed: “O my Lord! I have indeed wronged my soul! Forgive me!” So
Allah forgave him: for He is the Oft-Forgiving, and Most Merciful. He said: “O my
Lord! Because you have bestowed your Grace on me, never shall I be a help to those
who sin!”
(Al-Qasas, 16-17)
He (Moses) went away, looking about, in a state of fear. He prayed
“O my Lord! save me from people given to wrong-doing.”
(Al-Qasas, 21)
So he (Moses) watered their flocks for them; then he turned back to the shade, and said:
”O my Lord! truly I am in desperate need of any good that you send me!”