Page 108 - The Evolution Deceit
P. 108

Ho mo Ha bi lis: An oth er Ex tinct Ape

        For a long time, evo-
        lutionists argued that
        the creatures they
        called Homo habilis
        could walk upright.
        They thought that
        they had found a link
        stretching from ape
        to man. Yet, the new
        Homo habilis fossils
        Tim White unearthed
        in 1986 and named
        as OH 62 disproved
        this assertion. These
        fossil fragments
        showed that Homo
        habilis had long
        arms and short legs
        just like contempo-
        rary apes. This fossil                                     "OH 7 Homo habilis"
        put an end to the as-                                     seen on the down left
        sertion proposing                                            has been the fossil
        that Homo habilis                                        which best defined the
        was a bipedal being                                      mandibular features of
        able to walk upright.                                         the Homo habilis
        In truth, Homo ha-                                       species. This mandible
        bilis was nothing but                                     fossil has big incisory
        another ape species.                                       teeth. Its molar teeth
                                                                 are small. The shape of
                                                                 the mandible is square.
                                                                     All these qualities
                                                                    make this mandible
                                                                    look very similar to
                                                                   that of today's apes.
                                                                  In other words, Homo
                                                                  habilis' mandible once
                                                                    more confirms that
                                                                   this being is actually
                                                                               an ape.
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