Page 70 - The Evolution Deceit
P. 70
phyla of today were present already in the early Cambrian ...and they were
as distinct from each other as they are today. 29
Deeper investigation into the Cambrian Explosion shows what a
great dilemma it creates for the theory of evolution. Recent findings indi-
cate that almost all phyla, the most basic animal divisions, emerged
abruptly in the Cambrian period. An article published in Science magazine
in 2001 says: "The beginning of the Cambrian period, some 545 million
years ago, saw the sudden appearance in the fossil record of almost all the
main types of animals (phyla) that still dominate the biota today". 30 The
same article notes that for such complex and distinct living groups to be
explained according to the theory of evolution, very rich fossil beds show-
ing a gradual developmental process should have been found, but this has
not yet proved possible:
This differential evolution and dispersal, too, must have required a previous
history of the group for which there is no fossil record. 31
How the earth came to overflow with such a great number of animal
species all of a sudden, and how these distinct types of species with no
common ancestors could have emerged, is a question that remains unan-
swered by evolutionists. The Oxford University zoologist Richard
INTERESTING SPINES: One of the creatures that suddenly emerged in the Cambrian
Age is Hallucigenia (above, left). This and many other Cambrian fossils have hard,
sharp spines to protect them from attack. One thing that evolutionists cannot ac-
count for is how these creatures should have such an effective defense system when
there were no predators around. The lack of predators makes it impossible to explain
these spines in terms of natural selection.