Page 75 - The Evolution Deceit
P. 75
Tale of Transition from Water to Land 73
cally, and are heavily armored. How did they originate? What allowed them
to diverge so widely? How did they all come to have heavy armour? And
why is there no trace of earlier, intermediate forms? 38
The evolutionary scenario goes one step further and argues that fish,
who evolved from invertebrates then transformed into amphibians. But
this scenario also lacks evidence. There is not even a single fossil verifying
that a half-fish/half-amphibian creature has ever existed. Robert L. Car-
Turtle fossil aged 100 mil-
lion years: No different
from its modern-day coun-
terpart. (The Dawn of Life,
Orbis Pub., London 1972)
To the side can be seen a 45-million-year-old
freshwater turtle fossil found in Germany. To
the left are the remains of the oldest known sea
turtle, found in Brazil: This 110-million-year-old
fossil is identical to specimens living today.
ust as the evolutionary theory cannot ex-
plain basic classes of living things such
J as fish and reptiles, neither can it explain the origin of the orders within
these classes. For example, turtles, which is a reptilian order, appear in the
fossil record all of a sudden with their unique shells. To quote from an evolu-
tionary source: “this highly successful order is obscured by the lack of early
fossils, although turtles leave more and better fossil remains than do other
vertebrates. … Intermediates between turtles and cotylosaurs, … reptiles from
which turtles [supposedly] sprang, are entirely lacking.” (Encyclopaedia Bri-
tannica Online, “Turtle”)
There is no difference between the fossils of ancient turtles and the living
members of this species today. Simply put, turtles have not "evolved"; they
have always been turtles since they were created that way.