Page 76 - The Evolution Deceit
P. 76
Why Tran si tion From Wa ter to Land is Im pos si ble
volutionists claim that one due to its relative scarcity on land.
day, a species dwelling in For instance,, the skin has to be able
E water somehow stepped onto to permit a certain amount of water
land and was transformed into a land- loss, while also preventing excessive
dwelling species. evaporation. That is why land-
There are a number of obvious facts dwelling creatures experience thirst,
that render such a transition impossi- something that sea-dwelling crea-
ble: tures do not. For this reason, the skin
of sea-dwelling animals is not suit-
1. Weight-bearing: Sea-dwelling able for a nonaquatic habitat.
creatures have no problem in bearing
their own weight in the sea. 4. Kidneys: Sea-dwelling organisms
However, most land-dwelling crea- discharge waste materials, especially
tures consume 40% of their energy ammonia, by means of their aquatic
just in carrying their bodies around. environment. On land, water has to be
Creatures making the transition from used economically. This is why these
water to land would at the same time living beings have a kidney system.
have had to develop new muscular Thanks to the kidneys, ammonia is
and skeletal systems (!) to meet this stored by being converted into urea
energy need, and this could not have and the minimum amount of water is
come about by chance mutations. used during its excretion. In addition,
new systems are needed to provide
2. Heat Retention: On land, the tem- the kidney's functioning. In short, in
perature can change quickly, and order for the passage from water to
fluctuates over a wide range. Land- land to have occurred, living things
dwelling creatures possess a physi- without a kidney would have had to
cal mechanism that can withstand develop a kidney system all at once.
such great temperature changes.
However, in the sea, the temperature 5. Respiratory system: Fish
changes slowly and within a narrower "breathe" by taking in oxygen dis-
range. A living organism with a body solved in water that they pass
system regulated according to the through their gills. They canot live
constant temperature of the sea more than a few minutes out of water.
would need to acquire a protective In order to survive on land, they
system to ensure minimum harm from would have to acquire a perfect lung
the temperature changes on land. It is system all of a sudden.
preposterous to claim that fish ac-
quired such a system by random mu- It is most certainly impossible that
tations as soon as they stepped onto all these dramatic physiological
land. changes could have happened in the
same organism at the same time, and
3. Water: Essential to metabolism, all by chance.
water needs to be used economically