Page 81 - The Evolution Deceit
P. 81

The Imaginary Evolution of Birds and Mammals          79

            gradually by being "accumulated". This is why the theory asserting that
            land organisms evolved into aerial organisms is completely fallacious.
                 All of these bring another question to the mind: even if we suppose
            this impossible story to be true, then why are the evolutionists unable to
            find any "half-winged" or "single-winged" fossils to back up their story?

                 Another Alleged Transitional Form: Archæopteryx
                 Evolutionists pronounce the name of one single creature in response.
            This is the fossil of a bird called Archæopteryx, one of the most widely-
            known so-called transitional forms among the very few that evolutionists
            still defend. Archæopteryx, the so-called ancestor of present-day birds ac-
            cording to evolutionists, lived approximately 150 million years ago. The
            theory holds that some small dinosaurs, such as Velociraptors or
            Dromeosaurs, evolved by acquiring wings and then starting to fly. Thus,
            Archæopteryx is assumed to be a transitional form that branched off from
            its dinosaur ancestors and started to fly for the first time.
                 However, the latest studies of Archæopteryx fossils indicate that this
                                     creature is absolutely not a transitional form,
                                     but an extinct species of bird, having some in-
                                     significant differences from present-day birds.
                                         The thesis that Archæopteryx was a "half-
                                     bird" that could not fly perfectly was popular
                                     among evolutionist circles until not long ago.
                                     The absence of a sternum (breastbone) in this
                                     creature was held up as the most important evi-
                                     dence that this bird could not fly properly. (The
                                     sternum is a bone found under the thorax to
                                     which the muscles required for flight are at-
                                     tached. In our day, this breastbone is observed
                                     in all flying and non-flying birds, and even in

                                     According to evolutionists, some small dinosaurs,
                                     such as Velociraptors or Dromeosaurs, evolved by ac-
                                     quiring wings and then starting to fly. Thus,
                                     Archæopteryx is assumed to be a transitional form that
                                     branched off from its dinosaur ancestors and started to
                                     fly for the first time. This imaginary tale appears in al-
                                     most all evolutionist publications.
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