Page 14 - The Signs Leading to Faith
P. 14
The Signs Leading To Faith
and all phenomena, from the human body to the sky, from an-
imals to the depths of the oceans. Everyone who can think and
reason sees that only God, with His superior power and intel-
ligence, could have created these complex systems and deli-
cate balances.
These people encounter countless proofs of God’s exis-
tence, such as brightly colored, sweet-smelling flowers; deli-
cious fruits and vegetables that spring from muddy soil; the
sense organs, which enable us to enjoy each created item’s
unique properties (e.g., smell and taste); the human body with
its many complex systems, all of which work in harmony; the
Sun, which illuminates and warms, and its ideal size and dis-
tance from our Earth; the rain, which brings bone-dry soil to
life; and countless other proofs.
Each of these is a “sign leading to faith.” In other words,
they are miracles of creation and truths that guide people to
faith and then increase that faith. Every unbiased person who
thinks deeply about these proofs will come to faith by clearly
seeing these reflections of God’s existence and greatness.
Thanks to these signs, believers will come to know God better
and increase their faith in, love for, and fear [and awareness] of
However, due to the pervasive materialist worldview to
which they are subjected from childhood onward, most people
cannot see these signs or else find it hard to see them. This mis-
guided materialistic system, which suggests that everything
depends on chance, coincidence, and natural phenomena, pre-
vents people from seeing the evident miracles of creation that
pervade the universe. It literally draws a curtain over their