Page 17 - The Signs Leading to Faith
P. 17


                        THE QUR’AN AND THE


                    I      slamic scholars define the “signs leading to faith”
                           as all forms of truth, information, and evidence of
                           creation that lead people to faith, serve as proofs of
                           God’s existence and oneness, and reveal His supe-

                           rior might, knowledge, and art. In short, they are
                           the “truths that lead to faith and are a means
                           whereby faith can be acquired and simultaneously
                           enhanced, developed, and perfected.”

                                Although people cannot see God directly, they
                           can comprehend His existence, might, and some of

                           His names by looking at His creation. Just as every
                           painting introduces its artist, all living and inani-
                           mate entities introduce us to God, their Creator.
                           Human beings must consider this and bear witness

                           to the proofs of creation. Indeed, in the Qur’an God
                           gives us examples of various animals (e.g., the
                           camel, gnat, bee, and spider) as well as plants, trees,

                           mountains, the Earth, and sky, that serve as signs
                           leading to faith. In other words, we are expected to
                           view them as miracles of creation. Some of the rele-
                           vant verses in this context are given below:
   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22