Page 30 - The Signs Leading to Faith
P. 30

The Signs Leading To Faith

                  by behaving as if they were unaware of them. As the Qur’an

                       How many Signs there are in the heavens and Earth! Yet they
                       pass them by, turning away from them. Most of them do not
                       believe in God without associating others with Him. (Qur’an,
                       - The second feature required in acquiring a deeper ap-

                  preciation and understanding of the signs leading to faith is
                  possessing knowledge. But in order to see a subject as a sign
                  leading to faith, there is no need to know its most striking as-

                  pects or to have wide and detailed information about it.
                  Rational people, upon looking around themselves, immedi-
                  ately realize the extraordinary nature of what they see and that
                  everything has a Creator. When they see an insect, such as a

                  dragonfly, they know that it has a Creator. The mere existence
                  of a living thing is enough to understand that it is a sign lead-
                  ing to faith. Thinking about the detailed information one can

                  gather about that creature is a means whereby faith and enthu-
                  siasm can be increased.
                       Let’s recall the example of water. We know how impor-
                  tant this substance is for our lives. Yet when we possess basic

                  physical, chemical, and geographical information about water,
                  we can better comprehend its importance. When we consider
                  its properties in greater detail, we can clearly see that from its

                  properties of freezing, expansion, and viscosity to its chemical
                  properties, water has been created in the most ideal way to
                  support human life. (For more details, see Harun Yahya, The
                  Creation of the Universe, Al-Attique Publishers Inc., Canada,

                  2000.) This, in turn, is a means to increase our depth of think-
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