Page 35 - The Signs Leading to Faith
P. 35


                          THE IMPORTANCE OF

                            THE SIGNS LEADING

                                                      TO FAITH

                                Signs Leading to Faith Help People

                                Acquire Faith
                           igns leading to faith are one of the most important
                    S      means that lead people to belief. Those without

                           faith live in deep heedlessness and cannot see any
                           of the surrounding proofs of creation. As their soci-
                           eties have moved away from religion, their minds

                           have drowned in the details of day-to-day life, and
                           their perceptions and consciousness have become
                           so weak that they cannot recognize these countless

                           proofs. But as long as such people are sincere and
                           unbiased, there is hope that when they are told of
                           the signs leading to faith, they will believe in God’s
                           existence and oneness, that He created all that ex-

                           ists from nothing, and perceive His infinite knowl-
                           edge and might.
                                Since this world is a place of testing, it would

                           be a mistake to expect to witness such a great mira-
                           cle that would force everyone to choose faith
                           whether they wanted to or not. For example, if a
                           seed thrown onto the ground sprouted into a giant
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