Page 49 - The Signs Leading to Faith
P. 49
The Importance Of The Signs Leading To Faith
that everything in their bodies, down to the single cell and
even the single atom, functions at His command and by His
will. Thus, there is no place for chance or coincidence in any
phase of any phenomenon.
Only Those With Knowledge Fear God
as They Should
Researching and acquiring information about these signs
and thinking about them gradually leads to a deep accumula-
tion of knowledge. People with such knowledge “grow pro-
foundly in knowledge” or “possess knowledge,” in the words
of the Qur’an. And, these same people witness that God en-
compasses all places and that there is no deity but Him:
God bears witness that there is no deity but Him, as do the
angels and the people of knowledge, upholding justice.
There is no deity but Him, the Almighty, the All-Wise.
(Qur’an, 3:18)
People who possess knowledge see His manifestations at
every moment in their own bodies and all around them. For
example, people who know that a tiny ant performs its duty
with perfect obedience and proficiency, and that it has a
planned and flawless working system to carry food back to the
colony, see God’s superior mind and might in every ant.
People with knowledge who acquire a closer knowledge
of God by thinking deeply about these signs acquire a better
understanding of His great might and power. However, those
with only a little knowledge of these signs think that it is
enough simply to say: “How well God has created this” when