Page 53 - The Signs Leading to Faith
P. 53
The Importance Of The Signs Leading To Faith
of a baby’s pre-birth stages and the extraordinary nature of a
single sperm reaching the egg that is so far away from it, re-
member that these two cells from two different bodies come to-
gether in perfect harmony, and see the perfection of how they
turn into a seeing, hearing, and thinking human being. When
they consider examples of such superior creative artistry, their
faith in the face of God’s superior power and knowledge grows.
Their fear [and awareness] of God also grows and is strength-
ened to the same degree that they feel His names. This charac-
teristic is revealed thus in the Qur’an:
… Only those of His servants with knowledge have fear of
God. God is Almighty, Ever-Forgiving. (Qur’an 35:28)
The Qur’an praises the people of knowledge for such supe-
rior qualities. All believers must seek to achieve this same level.
To that end, they must see all of the events they experience and
all of the entities with which they come into contact as signs
leading to faith, and then think deeply about them.
Signs Leading to Faith Broaden a Person’s
Mental Horizons
Learning and thinking about the signs leading to faith, as
well as understanding their wisdom and detail, are very impor-
tant to broadening a person’s mental horizons.
In our own time, people live monotonous and restricted
lives in the suffocating atmosphere of crowded cities. They can-
not see the signs leading to faith that surround them, and ignore
them even if they do see them. Yet for believers, everything is a