Page 58 - The Signs Leading to Faith
P. 58

The Signs Leading To Faith

                                                  God’s mercy, which consists
                                                  of God’s gifts of what is aus-
                                                  picious, abundance, beauty,

                                                  knowledge, wisdom, peace,
                                                  joy and happiness, an in-
                                                  crease in reason, and the
                                                  granting of blessings. In the
                                                  Hereafter, on the other hand,

                                                  it means salvation from the
                                                  eternal suffering of Hell and
                                                  attaining the infinite bless-

                                                  ings of Paradise and God’s
                                                  constant compassion.
                                                      Paradise consists of dif-
                                                  ferent levels, which believers
                                                  reach according to the level

                                                  of their faith. Therefore, be-
                                                  lievers who grow within the
                                                  signs of faith bear closer wit-

                                                  ness to His infinite names
                                                  and so possess an unadulter-
                                                  ated and superior faith based
                                                  on sure and certain knowl-
                                                  edge. These people are, by

                                                  His will, superior to the same
                                                  extent in the levels of
                                                  Paradise. (And God knows

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