Page 62 - The Signs Leading to Faith
P. 62
The Signs Leading To Faith
even in the West. Imam Ghazali effectively invalidated those
beliefs that are distant from the Qur’an’s morality and the
ideas of several contemporary thinkers, particularly those in-
fluenced by classical Greek philosophy, and kept faith alive in
the face of such errors.
In all of his teachings and discourses, this famous scholar
gave broad and detailed consideration to the signs leading to
faith. Some examples of the signs in his works and some of his
pronouncements on their importance are as follows:
No ruler can administer his country in a manner that is more
orderly than God’s order, Who ensures the regulation of the do-
minions of the heavens, Earth, and this universe. No one is
more excellent and perfect than God. This being the case, is
there a more delicious glance than looking at Him? Then one re-
alizes that knowing God and His secrets is more delicious than
any other information.
The taste of the heart is knowing God, the Glorious. Each sen-
sory organ has something from which it derives pleasure and
taste. For the eye, it is to see beautiful things; for the ear, it is to
hear pleasurable things; and for lust (desire), it consists of such
things as tasting good things or gaining victory over foes. The
more one proceeds on the way to knowing Him, the more taste
he/she acquires. What could be more delicious than the craft
that manifests the attributes and names, secrets and divine pur-
poses, works and artistry, sovereignty and majesty of God, the
Creator and Owner of the universe? What could be greater than
being close to Him and having the honor and happiness of
knowing Him? 1
Humanity, who is created from a drop of water, is one of God’s
signs... Think of your previous state and what you have be-