Page 13 - The Solution To Secret Sorrows
P. 13

Harun Yahya

             Examine the lives of people who have attained the highest pos-
         sible worldly rank, who have enough money to buy whatever they
         want whenever they choose, who live in the finest houses and own
         the latest model cars, who wear the most expensive clothes and
         who—because of their achievements— are most respected and lis-
         tened to in their community.
             When you carefully consider all these people, you will come
         across a very important truth. Whatever their circumstances may be,
         there is one significant feature they have in common: The great ma-
         jority of people lead unhappy lives.
             The goods and property they own, the jobs they perform, and
         their loved ones are not enough to make these people happy in any
         real sense. These people's lives are ruled not by happiness, tranquil-
         ity, pleasure and joy, but by negative emotions like melancholy, pes-
         simism and hopelessness. A great part of most people's time is spent
         in this mood. When compared to true happiness, those moments
         when they are capable of being happy are fleeting and extremely
             Sometimes, too, they may be driven to deceive both themselves
         and those around them. Yet deep inside, they are experiencing a se-
         cret sorrow that prevents them from taking pleasure in all the good
         they see around them.
             So why are these people unhappy? Why do they suffer such
         deep inward sorrow and lead lives that lack tranquility?
             The reason why they suffer from sorrow and feel unhappy even
         in the best of circumstances is because they live at a distance from
         Allah. Allah grants people happiness only through faith, and only in
         this way it is possible to take full pleasure in the beautiful things of
         life. So long as no sincere faith in accordance with the Qur'an exists,
         it is impossible to achieve true happiness by any means whatsoever.

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