Page 17 - The Solution To Secret Sorrows
P. 17
Harun Yahya
ment. Only then can they praise the beauty of what they see around
them as it should be appreciated and begin to experience happiness.
In the verse, "Anyone who acts rightly, male or female, being a
believer, We will give them a good life and We will recompense
them according to the best of what they did" (Surat an-Nahl: 97),
Allah promises that He will allow the faithful who believe in Him to
live the finest lives in this world and the Hereafter. Those who fol-
low Allah experience the blessings He promises, both in this world
and the next.
On this point, however, there is an important truth that people
ignore. In order for people to experience the fine things of this life
and enjoy the blessings of the world and the large number of beauti-
ful things which Allah has created for them, then, faith in its true
meaning must be lodged in their hearts. Otherwise, by paying the
proverbial lip service to faith and by resembling the truly faithful
only in certain limited ways, people cannot protect themselves from
the unhappiness within. To know true happiness, people must bind
their hearts to Allah in complete submission and live every moment
in conformity to the Qur'an. Failing to do this, they will continue to
suffer internal sorrow during every stage of their lives. No matter
how much they want to be happy they cannot be. On the contrary,
their lives will be ruled by such negative emotions as despair, pes-
simism and hopelessness.
As you can see, the road to happiness is an extremely simple
one. With the Qur'an, the Divine Book that Allah has bestowed upon
mankind as a mercy, He has shown people the secret of happiness.
People can live a beautiful life only if they behave in accordance
with their creation and the nature Allah has determined for them.
People who turn aside from this path which Allah has shown them
as a blessing, or who fail to follow the path as it should be followed,