Page 21 - The Solution To Secret Sorrows
P. 21

Harun Yahya

         people. And unlike believers, they are frequently unhappy.
             Because of this, everyone who declares, "I believe" should con-
         sider whether "living a beautiful life in this world and the
         Hereafter"—which Allah has promised the faithful in the Qur'an—is
         apparent in himself in the light of this knowledge. If, at certain mo-
         ments, his life still contains unhappiness, troubles and sorrows to
         even a small extent, he should take this warning to heed.
             For a person who suffers trouble and sorrow throughout his
         life, the solution is simple. As we are told in the verse, "... Allah de-
         sires ease for you; He does not desire difficulty for you..." (Surat al-
         Baqara: 185).
             For anyone who has any open or secret characteristic of igno-
         rant morality remaining within him, the basic solution is to abandon
         this mode of living and behave in conformity to the Qur'an. Every
         person with faith in Allah and every believer who conforms to the
         Qur'an must approach the Book with greater sincerity and must be
         protected from any kind of act or thought that runs counter to the
         behavior of the faithful described in its verses. He should not regard
         the truths contained in the Qur'an as theoretical, but should apply
         them in practice in his life and feel and experience them at all times.
         He must not forget that Allah encompasses everything and that He
         knows all the secret emotions inside a person, including concealed
             A Muslim should not regard simply performing religious ob-
         servances as sufficient and view the insincerity inside himself as in-
         significant. He should consider that Allah has the power to punish
         insincerity with severe torment at any moment and that sooner or
         later, he will be called upon for a reckoning and treated accordingly.
         Everything that occurs in the world is created by Allah. All living
         creatures bow to  Allah and act according to His instructions.

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