Page 25 - The Solution To Secret Sorrows
P. 25
Harun Yahya
ity requires.
In that case, what ideas, defective morality, attachments and be-
liefs are distancing people from religious morality and causing them
to demonstrate ignorant behavior? In the following lines we will an-
swer this question and refer to the ugly behavior that turns people
away from happiness.
Inability to Fully Comprehend the Perfection of
the Morality of the Qur'an
The principal reason why some people continue to suffer the se-
cret sorrows of an ignorant life, even though they say they believe, is
their failure to follow completely the path shown by the Qur'an. In
the Qur'an, Allah brings the faithful the good news of a beautiful life
in this world. But for this, people need to follow His instructions un-
conditionally and live out the perfection of the morality that He ap-
proves. While living out religious morality, if a person acts under the
influence of even a single part of ignorant morality, he cannot fully
achieve the beautiful life of which the Qur'an speaks. For people to
be able to live the life of the world in the way the Qur'an promises,
they must understand that there is no lifestyle suitable for the
human character other than the morality of the Qur'an.
Pride Is a Cause of Sorrow and Trouble in This
World and the Hereafter
Pride is a moral defect that Allah does not like. A proud person
is suffering from the disease of conceit. The reason for that conceit is
that the person assigns himself a separate identity and regards him-
self and those around him as creatures independent of Allah. (Surely
Allah is beyond that!) Such a person believes that everything he
does and everything he possesses is his and his alone. For example,